I confess. I try not to but I still binge eat from time to time. Instead of just giving in and eating the thousands of extra, unwanted calories I used to, I have been on the prowl for less harmful foods I typically binge with.
If you love ice cream and tend to turn to a pint of ice cream after a traumatic day, I discovered, thanks to Dr. Oz, that a pint of Greek Yogurt is a great binge alternative.
It is important to understand the choices, however. Not only is there a difference between ice cream and frozen yogurt but there are also big differences between the choices of frozen yogurts.
Here is what I found:
Type calories in 1/2 cup calories in pint fat protein
Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream 160 640 8g 4g
Ben & Jerry's Frozen Greek 200 800 7g 6g
Stonyfield Frozen Greek 100 400 0g 6g
Eating a pint of Stonyfield frozen yogurt can satisfy a binge without the calories and self loathing that can often follow the binge.
Ice cream and frozen yogurt are both frozen treats made from dairy, but there is a significant difference that sets them apart. In order for a frozen treat to be legally labeled as ice cream, it must contain at least 10 percent milkfat. This requirement is usually met through the addition of cream, and premium ice cream can contain as much as 16 percent milkfat. Frozen yogurt is not made with cream and does not have a fat requirement. Instead it is made with cultured milk such as yogurt though probiotics do not survive the freezing temperatures.Nutritional Value
Since the difference in the ingredients of ice cream and frozen yogurt is cream, the main nutritional difference is the fat content. One cup of regular vanilla ice cream contains 275 calories, 5 grams of protein, 31 grams of carbohydrates, 15 grams of fat and 9 grams of saturated fat. One cup of regular vanilla frozen yogurt contains 221 calories, 5 grams of protein, 38 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat and 4 grams of saturated fat.Considerations
If you're watching your fat and calorie intake, you may opt for the frozen yogurt. However, the lower fat and calorie content may vary depending on your portion size and what you put into it. Frozen yogurt is commonly offered with many sugar and fat-laden additions such as syrups, marshmallows and candy pieces. These will not only increase the fat content but also the sugar and calories.Tips for Healthy Choices
If you choose to eat frozen yogurt, remember to still moderate your portion size and choose the healthier toppings. Choose toppings such as fresh fruit, granola and nuts to get the antioxidants, protein and fiber. These toppings will also likely be lower in calories, fat and sugar than other toppings. If you prefer ice cream, try decreasing your fat intake elsewhere in your diet to make up for the higher fat content. Another alternative is to choose reduced-fat ice cream.Found in the San Francisco Chronicle
I take the Stonyfield Yogurt Tubes they make for kids and throw them in the freezer as an alternative to the typical freezer pops. The kids never miss the pops, and they get the sanctification of a frozen treat.