Ready for a simple light meal between the big holidays? Try this Salmon Caesar Salad! It looks smashing served up on Vivente!

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, December 30, 2019
Ready for a simple light meal between the big holidays? Try this Salmon Caesar Salad! It looks smashing served up on Vivente!
December 30, 2019

Building on Positive Change
Friday, December 27, 2019
Isn’t it amazing how many conversations can be going on in our head at the same time? We can have part of our mind ready to get going and spur us on to embracing change and new habits. Then there is another part of us that believes we have the right to not work out and to eat what we want whenever we want. The truth is both parts are speaking the truth. We are capable of positive change and embracing new habits that help us live a healthier life. On the other hand we have absolute right to choose how and when we want to do anything that has to do with our lives. We have the right to our own autonomy. So how do we help these warring sides work together to help us live a more balanced, integrated life? We agree to what is most important to us, stick to that plan and build on the positive change we are achieving.
By agreeing to our overall priorities we can calm some of the conversations in our head. It doesn’t mean we are perfect, but it means we can avoid sabotaging ourselves and what we really want to accomplish. We have the right to succeed.
Change is hard. Change can be both positive and negative. To keep constructive momentum we want to build on positive change. Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves of the changes we have made and embraced. Think of all the changes we make all the time. We change jobs, the location where we live, our relationship status, how we look, our interests…even our opinions.
It is important to acknowledge the successful changes we have made when it comes to our health. If we have committed to living life as our healthiest selves it is inevitable that we will want to change some habits, introduce new habits to support our overall goal and continue to build on the positive changes we have already made in our lives. We need to take the time to acknowledge where we are and how we have been able to honor our priorities.
There is strength and momentum in reflecting on where we are in our health journey and how far we have come. Without reflection it can be hard to see the change we have made and use that change to further our success. We can even get depressed because we have not named our achievements.
As we look back on the past year, take time to think about the advances you have made in your healthy lifestyle, even list them. Once you have articulated the positive change you have made it is time to start thinking about how you can build on those to make the coming year your best year yet. There is no doubt about it, you deserve it!
December 27, 2019
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Changing Habits,
Embracing Change,
Healthy Habits,
Holiday Insights,
Weight Loss

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, December 23, 2019
Do the smells of baking and aromatic spices make it feel like the holidays for you too? For us, it just doesn't seem festive without them. Looking to add a new bread to your repertoire? Here is one of our healthy favorites--Pear Poppy Seed! Make sure to take a moment for you and enjoy a slice on your favorite Livliga dishware while sipping a cup of tea from your favorite healthy lifestyle mug! Happy Holidays!
December 23, 2019

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, December 16, 2019
Meatless Monday: Savory Bread Pudding with Butternut Squash is a wonderful vegetarian meal that fits our holiday mood and also our need for comfort food during the cold of winter. It looks stellar served up on Halsa dinnerware!
December 16, 2019

Healthy Holiday Happiness
Friday, December 13, 2019
The holidays almost demand that we be happy. Thanksgiving through the New Year are all about celebrating. We celebrate a specific holiday, being with family, gift giving, and specific annual gatherings. Health is not a focus. In fact, it is a time when we can feel the most stressed and eat in a way that is not ideal or particularly healthy. Often this affects us emotionally as well. We more likely feel like we are “surviving” the holidays rather than reveling in what is good about them.
When we have committed to living as our healthiest selves, the holidays can be a time bomb waiting to go off. We don’t want to get sucked back in to the unhealthy holiday habits. But it is hard to break free of the tradition and expectations surrounding each holiday.
There are ways to make sure we hold on to our priorities and take time to nurture our well being during the holidays.
First things first…Your Emotional Well Being. Check into how you are feeling. Your emotional health is so important to your ongoing success in living a healthy lifestyle. Keep to the patterns you know work for you…like working out, planning your meals, and getting enough sleep. Just as you plan for your success also plan for the holidays to ensure you can enjoy them.
A great way to check in on your emotional well being and to remind yourself of what is important to you is to download our free resource we created with Connie Stapleton, Ph.D., Emotional Barriers to Sustained Weight Loss Success: Facing Our Fears, Mindset, and Addictions.
Celebrate some quiet moments. We can feel overwhelmed with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We can get depressed. Sometimes it is good to carve out some time to just be and nurture our well being. Check out this list of some up-lifting movies that might come in handy.
De-stress and de-clutter. One way to find more joy in the holidays and a lot less stress is to simplify your gift giving and the tools you have in your own kitchen. The stuff we keep around us can ultimately be a distraction and create unwanted visual noise in our lives. Take it from Wendy Tranz, someone who has taken the steps to de-clutter and de-stress:
Pay attention to spending. One way to help avoid stress during the holidays is to plan the healthy meals you will be serving from Thanksgiving through the New Year…week by week. By planning ahead you can save money on what you spend. There are also specific meals and menus that are particularly budget-friendly. Here are some ideas for you to consider over the holidays that are both budget-friendly and one pot simple-to-prep meals:
Slow Cooker Brisket with Onions
Slow Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup
Herb and Goat Cheese Frittata
Create memories beyond food. The holidays tend to be all about food. When we call on our memories of events inevitably it is the food served that immediately comes to mind. For those of us committed to a healthy lifestyle and right sized eating, focusing on the food can be undermining. How can we combat this? By creating new memories that focus on the meaning of the holidays and the activities that are seasonally specific so they make the moments and memories special. This doesn’t mean that special foods and gatherings that include traditional meals are no longer allowed; instead it is about a re-balance of our memories and traditions so the focus is where it should be…on living life to the fullest as our healthiest selves. Here are some ideas about ways to incorporate Healthy Holiday Memories into your overall Holiday Traditions:
On the Day of a Holiday Build in Activity
- Walk before cooking the Thanksgiving Meal
- Touch Football after the big meal
- Playing Games like Charades, Twister or a Video Dance Game like “Just Dance”
- Go to a movie on Christmas Day and get away from all the food
Take a moment to make some homemade chai tea and write a note to a friend, make a call to someone you have not talked to in a while, or curl up and read a book…maybe even watch one of your favorite holiday movies. Take a moment to enjoy and acknowledge the good in your life. Now that is something to celebrate!
Enjoy! And remember to always Live Vibrant!
December 13, 2019
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Holiday Insights,

Slow Cooker Brisket with Onions—Simple and Scrumptious
Sunday, December 8, 2019
I was fortunate to grow up with friends and family who are Jewish. Being included in Hanukkah celebrations was fun and the foods served were delicious. This past year my husband and I got hooked on the Amazon series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. At the beginning of the series, in just about every episode, Mrs. Maisel brings a prepared brisket to an audition or to the talent manager at a local comedy club. It brought back memories of those wonderful Hanukkah celebrations and the oh-so-delicious brisket I ate. It made me want to recreate the dish.
To complete the memory I also wanted to serve up latkes with the slow cooked brisket. I searched around, tweaked some recipes and the ultimate results for brisket and latkes is below. I did produce a healthier version of the original recipes but without giving up any of the deliciousness. The tastes lived up to the fond memory and all those gathered around the table enjoyed the dishes.
Slow Cooker Brisket with Onions
- 1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced
- 2 garlic cloves, smashed and peeled
- 1 first cut of beef brisket (4 pounds), trimmed of excess fat
- 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
- 1 teaspoon ground pepper
- 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves, for serving
- In a 5- to 6-quart slow cooker, combine onion and garlic. Season brisket with salt and pepper and place, fat side up, in slow cooker. Add broth. Cover and cook on high until brisket is fork-tender, about 6 hours. Remove brisket and thinly slice against the grain. Serve with onion and some cooking liquid; sprinkle with parsley.
- If you make this ahead of time, cover and refrigerate brisket in cooking liquid, up to 1 week. Reheat in a 300-degree oven.
Nutritional Information
Serves: 12. Calories: Calories: 289; Total Fat 9.4g; Saturated Fat 3.6g; Cholesterol 135mg; Sodium 124mg; Total Carbohydrate 1.6g; Dietary Fiber 0.3g; Total Sugars 0.6g; Protein 46.4g.
Seasonal Roasted Root Vegetable Latkes
(Originally from Cooking Light)
- 3 cups roasted root vegetables (potato, parsnip, carrot, turnip, sweet potato), finely chopped (about 14 oz.)
- 1/4 cup finely grated onion
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
- 3 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons instant potato flakes
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
- 1/4 cup vegetable oil, divided
- 1/2 cup light sour cream
- 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
- 1 teaspoon small fresh dill sprigs
- Place first 11 ingredients in a bowl, stirring to combine.
- Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high. Add 1/4 cup vegetable mixture to pan; flatten slightly. Repeat procedure 5 times to form 6 latkes;
- Cook 2 minutes on each side or until golden. Place latkes on a plate; keep warm.
- Repeat procedure with remaining 2 tablespoons oil and remaining vegetable mixture.
- Combine sour cream and horseradish in a bowl. Top each latke with about 2 teaspoons sour cream mixture. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon dill sprigs.
Nutritional Information
Serves: 6. Serving Size: 2 latkes. Calories: 196; Fat 14g; Satfat 2g; Unsatfat 11; Protein 4g; Carbohydrates 15g; Fiber 2g; Sugars 4g; Sodium 247mg.
December 08, 2019

Bariatric Meal Plan: Holiday Edition with Chef Rose Archer
Friday, December 6, 2019
I adore the holidays. I love the lights, the time off work to spend with family and friends, cutting down our own Christmas tree and, of course, I love all the foods that we often don't eat any other time of the year.
What I don't love is how I often feel afterward. Both right after the meal and in January! 😒
People like to blame the amino acid, tryptophan, in turkey as the thing that makes them sleepy. But it's not. It's the volume of food and the high amount of fat and sugar in everything. (Curious to know more? Check out this article here)
So what would it feel like to know you get to decide how you felt after your festive holiday meal? I think pretty well!
And that starts with what you put on your Livliga plate.
Side Story 😜: When I was married in my 20's, I was at my first Thanksgiving with my in-laws. I adored them, and when one of them said we would be having "green salad" at our big dinner, I was surprised and excited. So when we sat down at the table and they passed me the "green salad" I was in for a bigger surprise. Green Salad in Texas meant green jello with fruit cocktail stirred in. Maybe even cool whip! 😂 I think they still tell that story of the health nut from Maui that used to be married to their son!
So back to our conversation! One of the recipes I could never embrace (besides "green salad”) was the sickly sweet canned yams with brown sugar and marshmallows. 🤢😆 So this recipe started with wanting to find something that would fill that spot.
![]() |
Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash--a great holiday edition |
Deciding to add spiciness was intentional. Something our palates like is variety and something that is often lacking on holiday menus. Everything is either salty and rich or sweet and rich, which I delicious!
But because there is no variety, it's easy to overeat as our palates are wanting to feel satisfied. By adding different flavors, spices, and complexity, it makes us satisfied sooner, and we eat less food. You can vary the spice level in this recipe to your liking. You can use half a jalapeno or none at all. The Fresno chilis are very mild, so I would keep them in.
The sweetness is a little bit of a trick. There is no sweetener of any kind in the recipe. But by adding pumpkin pie spice, we trick our brains into tasting sweetness because it associates that flavor with sweet pie.
If this recipe doesn't make it onto your holiday menu, I hope you will try it sometime this winter while the squash is at its peak flavor and lowest cost.
You can find the full recipe here:
December 06, 2019
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Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, December 2, 2019
Is cranberry sauce one of those seasonal foods you just have to have? Try this easy and healthier homemade version that can be enjoyed with so many meals! Delicious and healthy holiday meals are a must have...especially on Vivente dinnerware!
December 02, 2019

Happy Healthy Thanksgiving!!
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving from all of us at Livliga. We would like to thank you for being a part of an incredible community committed to living life as our healthiest selves!
Live Vibrant!

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, November 25, 2019
When you think of root vegetables they make us think of Autumn, don't they? Ever thought about making a roasted root salad? They are easy, satisfying and tasty...especially served up on your favorite Livliga pattern!
November 25, 2019

2019 Healthy Lifestyle Gift Guide
Friday, November 22, 2019
Below are Livliga’s 2019 picks for Gifts of Health to give to yourself or the ones you love this holiday season. Livliga products, which are award winning and artist-designed, make wonderful gifts for just about any occasion. This year we thought we would share gift giving ideas for various occasions to inspire and make it easy to put together the perfect present for those on your list. To find out more, or purchase an item, click on the item description and it will take you to our website to read the details or add it to you cart!
Healthy Cooking Combo
- Set of 6 LivSpoons, Measuring/Serving Spoons
- Livliga Apron
- Aveq Mixing/Serving Bowl
- Set of 2 ”Celebrate Everyday" Bistro Dish Towel in Cotton
For those who love to cook or are just learning how to cook this combo adds beauty and practical tools for healthy cooking in the kitchen!
Healthy Hostess Gifts
- Aveq Mixing/Serving Bowl
- Set of 4 LivSpoons, Measuring/Serving Spoons
- Set of 2 “Celebrate Everyday” Bistro Dish Towel in Cotton
Special Life Moments Gift Ensemble
- Set of 6 LivSpoons, Measuring/Serving Spoons
- 16 Piece Place Setting, Service for 4 (choose among 3 patterns)
- Set of 4 Aveq Wine Glasses with Portion Control and Fill Lines
- Set of 4 Aveq Water/Beverage Glasses with Portion Control and Fill Line
- Aveq Mixing/Serving Bowl
- 2 Sets of 2 ”Celebrate Everyday" Bistro Dish Towel in Cotton (great to use as napkins on a beautifully set table!)
Children’s Healthy Discovery Gifts
- Kidliga Sammie & Sax Dish Set and Hardback Book in English
- Sammie and Sax 35-piece Jigsaw Children's Puzzle
- NEW! Sammie and Sax In The Land of Quinoa Adventure Story in Spanish--ebook version
Bariatric Healthy Living Gifts
- "Viva" Just Right Set® Bariatric Flatware (Set of 3 Utensils: Knife, Fork & Spoon) in colorful Livliga Carrying Case
- Just Right Set® bariatric 2 piece Dish Set
- Book Idea: The Complete Guide to Weight Loss Surgery by Lisa Kaouk and Monica Bashaw
Diabetes Healthy Living Gifts
- Livliga “Go-to” 9-inch Portion Control Dishes for Diabetes
- Set of 4 Aveq Water/Beverage Glass with Portion Control and Fill Line
- Book Idea: The Diabetes Cookbook for Electric Pressure Cookers by Shelby Kinnaird
Livliga Gift Certificate
Can’t figure out which gift to give? Why not choose a Livliga Gift Certificate!? You can choose the amount and have it sent directly to the recipient or to you to give to them in person. It is that easy!
Not only can we give you great Healthy Lifestyle Gift Ideas for the Holidays, we can also give you great deals to make those wishes come true! Keep a look out for our upcoming, once a year, super savings during Black Friday through Cyber Monday this November!

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, November 18, 2019
With Thanksgiving around the corner chances are you are going to have some leftovers. For some leftover meal solutions try this low carb turkey hash recipe...served up on our ever-popular Halsa dinnerware!
November 18, 2019
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Monday Motivational Meals,

Thanksgiving Turkey Re-Imagined...Turkey Tenderloin with Herb Broth
Friday, November 15, 2019
This is a Guest Blog that our friend and affiliate, Liz Bull, has shared with us...just in time for Thanksgiving!
Maybe this is the year that you are having a QUIET Thanksgiving…think candlelight dinner for two, maybe four…without all of the hoo-ha and the stress…catching your breath and being thankful. Maybe the mere thought of cooking a big turkey puts you over the top…OK, maybe it’s the thought of the leftovers….just sayin’. Turkey tenderloins have been my go-to for several years. The best thing is, you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to enjoy them! I serve them with greens or asparagus. As for the cranberry sauce, well… store bought chutney will do just fine. Serving on Livliga china dinnerware guarantees that you’ll be satisfied, not stuffed! Now THAT’S something to be thankful for.
Our Guest Blogger this month is Liz Bull. She is an avid Livliga Affiliate. Here is information about her background and professional credentials as well as information about how to connect with her.
Liz Bull helps women (and brave men!) who are fed up with weight loss programs that don’t work to finally get a body and a life they love. A Medical Intuitive, Master Theta Healer, and Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner, Liz has long been fascinated by the important role mind, body, and beliefs play in our lives. Her other studies and certifications include EFT, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, QiGong, NLP and Transcendental Meditation.
Maybe this is the year that you are having a QUIET Thanksgiving…think candlelight dinner for two, maybe four…without all of the hoo-ha and the stress…catching your breath and being thankful. Maybe the mere thought of cooking a big turkey puts you over the top…OK, maybe it’s the thought of the leftovers….just sayin’. Turkey tenderloins have been my go-to for several years. The best thing is, you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to enjoy them! I serve them with greens or asparagus. As for the cranberry sauce, well… store bought chutney will do just fine. Serving on Livliga china dinnerware guarantees that you’ll be satisfied, not stuffed! Now THAT’S something to be thankful for.
Turkey Tenderloin with Herb Broth
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 24 oz turkey tenderloins ( there are two in the package)
- Salt and ground black pepper
- 1 pound potatoes, quartered (if bigger, cut into 2-inch pieces)
- 2 shallots, chopped- or Onion, chopped
- 1/2 cup dry white wine
- 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 1 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon leaves…or dried herb like Thyme
- Chutney
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
- Place oil in a large baking dish.
- Season turkey tenderloins all over with salt and black pepper and place in baking dish.
- Arrange potatoes all around turkey and turn to coat with oil.
- Season potatoes with salt and black pepper. Arrange shallots/onion over potatoes in pan.
- In a small bowl, combine wine, broth, vinegar, and herbs.
- Pour mixture over turkey.
- Roast turkey and potatoes for 50-60 minutes, until an instant-read thermometer registers at least 160 degrees F.
- Let turkey rest 10 minutes before slicing crosswise into 1/2-inch thick slices.
- Serve with broth over top.
- Serve spinach, greens or asparagus on the side.

Liz Bull helps women (and brave men!) who are fed up with weight loss programs that don’t work to finally get a body and a life they love. A Medical Intuitive, Master Theta Healer, and Certified Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner, Liz has long been fascinated by the important role mind, body, and beliefs play in our lives. Her other studies and certifications include EFT, Psych-K, Matrix Energetics, Access Consciousness, QiGong, NLP and Transcendental Meditation.
November 15, 2019

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, November 11, 2019
November 11, 2019

Make Yourself Your #1 Priority
Friday, November 8, 2019
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. More and more people are living with diabetes (100 million people, according to the CDC). This includes pre-diabetes. And if we are not currently living with this disease we have family members and friends who are. Living with a chronic disease like diabetes requires a unique self-focus. To live as our healthiest selves it requires that we make ourselves our number one priority. Our quality of life depends upon it.
Why we need to make ourselves our #1 priority. In order to sustain and manage our health living with a chronic disease we have to create an environment that supports us. We do this so we can enjoy our lives more and make the most of every day. We do it so we have the energy we need to fulfill our daily duties. And perhaps most importantly for many, we do it because we have family and friends who count on us.
Why is it so hard to do?!? Often we let our responsibilities for our work and family come first. Sometimes it’s hard because our disease makes us feel lousy physically and mentally. For many it is due to the stress in our lives that overwhelms everything else.
What steps can we take to make tending to ourselves the number one priority. Create a rhythm or pattern in your life that includes regular exercise, healthy meals and enough sleep. Organize your home so it supports a healthy lifestyle from a bowl of fruit on your kitchen counter to an uncluttered sleep space with no electronics or television. Build in down time and some pampering in your life. Pampering can include treating yourself to mediation or an occasional massage to a walk in a park or a meet up with a friend. At the end of the day enjoy a cup of tea and write down the good things that have happened that day or examples of why you are grateful. Making yourself your number one priority includes tending to both your mental as well as physical health.
We need to give ourselves permission to make ourselves our number one priority. Anyone living with a chronic disease realizes that health cannot be assumed. And living as our healthiest selves requires work…a lot of purposeful work. When we make ourselves our number one priority we feel better, have more energy, can accomplish our responsibilities with greater ease, and can enjoy life much more readily.
Plain and simple…we should make ourselves our number one priority because we are worth it!
Why we need to make ourselves our #1 priority. In order to sustain and manage our health living with a chronic disease we have to create an environment that supports us. We do this so we can enjoy our lives more and make the most of every day. We do it so we have the energy we need to fulfill our daily duties. And perhaps most importantly for many, we do it because we have family and friends who count on us.
Why is it so hard to do?!? Often we let our responsibilities for our work and family come first. Sometimes it’s hard because our disease makes us feel lousy physically and mentally. For many it is due to the stress in our lives that overwhelms everything else.
What steps can we take to make tending to ourselves the number one priority. Create a rhythm or pattern in your life that includes regular exercise, healthy meals and enough sleep. Organize your home so it supports a healthy lifestyle from a bowl of fruit on your kitchen counter to an uncluttered sleep space with no electronics or television. Build in down time and some pampering in your life. Pampering can include treating yourself to mediation or an occasional massage to a walk in a park or a meet up with a friend. At the end of the day enjoy a cup of tea and write down the good things that have happened that day or examples of why you are grateful. Making yourself your number one priority includes tending to both your mental as well as physical health.
We need to give ourselves permission to make ourselves our number one priority. Anyone living with a chronic disease realizes that health cannot be assumed. And living as our healthiest selves requires work…a lot of purposeful work. When we make ourselves our number one priority we feel better, have more energy, can accomplish our responsibilities with greater ease, and can enjoy life much more readily.
Plain and simple…we should make ourselves our number one priority because we are worth it!
November 08, 2019

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, November 4, 2019
Who doesn't love a pancake breakfast?! Check out these delectable and healthy pumpkin pancakes that will also reignite your metabolism! We served ours up on bright blue Halsa dinner plates!
Check out the recipe here.
November 04, 2019

Slow Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup—A Family-friendly and Budget-friendly Meal
Friday, November 1, 2019
One of the ongoing debates about eating healthy is the challenge to do it on a budget. There is often the underlying assumption that it is not possible to eat healthy on limited resources. It is certainly not easy. We are now seeing that it is possible with a little planning and taking advantage of specific things like cheaper vegetables according to the seasons, sales, as well as buying frozen and canned foods. There are also types of meals that are budget-friendly. MyPlate provides some great resources to help everyone manage healthy eating on a budget.
Soups are one of the categories of meals that are budget-friendly. There are so many varieties. Soups are flexible and can combine any number of ingredients. They can feed a few or many. We all have our favorites. Recently I bought a large bag of frozen mixed vegetables at a great price. Next I wanted to use them to make a variety of meals. One of those meals I wanted to include was a soup. Below is the slow cooker soup recipe I came up with. Everyone loved it and we all thought it got more flavorful with time. It made enough for a couple of meals, which made it the best of budget-friendly meals.
Slow Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup
- 1 Tablespoon olive oil
- 1 lb beef, stew-quality meat, cut into bite-size cubes
- 1 lb potatoes, cut into cubes
- 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 cans (14 oz each) beef broth, low sodium
- 1 can (14 oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
- 1 can (15 to 16 oz) great northern beans, drained and rinsed
- 2 ½ cups frozen mixed vegetables
- Heat olive oil in skillet. Add onion and garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes on high. Next add meat and brown on all sides. Place in slow cooker.
- Mix in remaining ingredients, except frozen vegetables.
- Cover and cook on low heat setting 7 to 8 hours.
- Add mixed vegetables. Increase heat setting to High. Cover and cook 20 to 30 minutes longer or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Remove bay leaves before serving.
Nutritional Information:
Serves 6. Serving size: 1½ cups. Calories: 310. Fat 7.3g (Saturated Fat 2.2g); Sodium 686mg; Protein 15g; Carbohydrate 30.4g; Fiber 6.4g; Sugars 6.1g.
Menu Tip: To make it a meal add a delicious homemade muffin. Here is a link to some of our favorites: Healthy Muffins.
November 01, 2019
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Budget-Friendly Meal,

Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Slow Cooker comes out of the closet this time of year to make hearty and savory dishes. This Spiced Pork with Pumpkin and Sweet Potato is a hit with all family members and makes use of those leftover pumpkins you have! Make sure to make it a hearty and healthy meal by serving it up in a Livliga bowl of your choice! Yum!
October 28, 2019
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Monday Motivational Meal
Monday, October 21, 2019
Looking for a tasty low carb meal that is quick to make in an Instant Pot? Try this Teriyaki Chicken from our friend The Diabetic Foodie 's new cookbook! We did. And then we served it up on our happy-making Halsa dinner plate. Enjoy!
October 21, 2019
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I am beginning to think that Castor Oil is a cure all. It reminds me of a reference to Windex being a cure all in the movie My Big Fat Gr...
We wanted to up date those of you who have not yet received your giveaway orders. We received well over 600 orders, most with multiple it...
Dear Friends and Supporters- Well, this is it! We hope you saw our big announcement at the beginning of October sharing that we are closin...
Orange Beef Stir-Fry Served Up on Healthy Halsa Dinnerware We have been preparing a variety of stir-frys the past few weeks. It is a...
Final Shipping Update All orders have now been shipped! As we had hoped, we got all packages out before Thanksgiving. We want to thank eve...
As the year ends Livliga would like to introduce you to our new business endeavors. Starting in 2022 Livliga is pivoting to Licensing and Co...
State of Slim Crowd-Pleasing Slow-Cooker Pumpkin Chili is Perfect to Serve Up for One or Share with Company! The Colorado diet is ea...
My daughter tried out a new recipe in a new cookbook this week. This time she went for a vegetarian dish. This recipe starts by making a ...
Happy Holidays! We have found there are so many reasons to be grateful this year. Out of a very difficult decision to close down Livliga’s...
Blog Archive
- Happy Healthy Thanksgiving!!
- Monday Motivational Meal
- 2019 Healthy Lifestyle Gift Guide
- Monday Motivational Meal
- Thanksgiving Turkey Re-Imagined...Turkey Tenderloi...
- Monday Motivational Meal
- Make Yourself Your #1 Priority
- Monday Motivational Meal
- Slow Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup—A Family-friendly ...