Spring Vegetable Great for Weight Loss--Snow Peas

Thursday, April 5, 2012
I love the change in seasons. It renews my interest in food and allows me to rediscover old friends. As I was roaming around on iVillage, I found a yummy tidbit about Snow Peas. And since my daughter is now trying her hand with Stir Fry recipes, we are using fresh snow peas as part of the ingredients. I paused and read this-

Snow peas have flat, edible pods (no shelling required!), plus a sweet flavor and crisp texture that make them great for snacking. And since almost 25 percent of a snow peas’ calories come from sugar-stabilizing protein, eating one cup -- raw or cooked -- shuts down the munchies for two hours straight, say researchers at the University of Toronto, Canada. Chefs also love to toss them into their stir-fries and you should try tossing them into your sauté dishes too.

Not only are snow peas great in Stir Fry recipes, they are also great slightly blanched and served as crudite for a snack or appretizer when you have friends over. Add a healthy dip, like homemade hummus, and you are set for a satisfying, hunger squelching treat!

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