Healthy Living Tip- Blasting Bad Blood Fats

Friday, March 23, 2012
My husband has enjoyed a subscription to Men's Health for a number of years. It is a magazine I enjoy reading as well. It is always filled with great advice and solutions to promote and inspire healthy living. This week I found an interesting tidbit regarding mangoes. New research has indicated that eating mangoes daily can reduce triglyceride levels. This is what I read:

"To squash your triglyceride levels, eat more mangoes. In a new Mexican study, people who ate about a cup of mango everyday for 30 days lowered their levels of these harmful fats by 38%. The fruit's polyphenols help reduce oxidation."

We use frozen mangoes in our smoothies, an easy way to include this fruit in our diets. Now I want to consciously add them daily for 30 days to see how this routine can help me lower my cholesterol counts.

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