Easy & Portion Ready Grilled Bread

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I am always looking for an easy way to provide a carbohydrate (carb) side. It is best if it is also easy to portion into an individual serving. The other trick I have found is to prepare a carb side that doesn't add an absurd amount of calories but does add texture, taste and visual appeal to a meal.

The new favorite easy carb side we have discovered is a grilled piece of bread, preferably sliced from a loaf of French or Italian whole grain bread. We use a cast iron skillet to brown/grill the bread. All I do is spray both sides of the bread with a olive oil spray (like Pam or Crisco), then put the heat to medium and let the browning begin! If you want a little extra flavor you can add an herb salt to the bread--our favorite is Herbes de Provence mixed with a pinch of salt...yum! An easy, pre-portioned and tasty carb side ready in minutes without any prep time. It even works well with leftover bread. A hit with the family and a definite repeat.

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