Last night we had a very tasty salad. It may be the beginning of Fall around here, but we still love our salads for dinner! Truth be told, my husband is the one who prepared the meal. He did a great job and reported that the food prep was not hard at all. The only thikg we really changed in the recipe was the seasoning. Instead of the 5-pepper seasoning, we did a jerk seasoning which doesn't have quite as much pepper, since our daughter can't eat much of it. My husband used the George Forman grill in the kitchen. He grilled the pineapple first, then the shrimp. This recipe came out of my new cookbook-
Cooking Light Fresh Food Fast 24/7. Since it is such a new book, I have uploaded a photo of the recipe. Here it is-
I also took a photo of the Honey-Lime Dressing which I think would be good on a tossed green salad that included some fresh fruit, like strawberries. blackberries or melon. I have posted it below:
The total calories for this salad with dressing is 499. We added a whole wheat roll for an additional 90 calories. Total for the meal: 589. It was a hit and a definite repeat.
I will try this one. Did you know Shugrue's has this dressing on their menu? Love it!