Kitchen Sink Salads with State of Slim Leftovers

Friday, April 4, 2014

"Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Salad with Salmon

Recently I made two Everything but the Kitchen Sink Salads with State of Slim leftovers that were very tasty. Here are the two versions with their ingredients:


For the Salad-
½ bag of mixed salad greens
½ the leftover roasted cauliflower, chopped
½ the leftover green beans with garlic and lemon, chopped
½ the leftover carrot sticks, chopped
½ the leftover celery sticks, chopped
Bunch of green onion, chopped
6 Grape tomatoes, sliced in half
4 -6 ounces leftover salmon with mustard dill sauce

For the Salad Dressing-
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon tarragon
pinch of pepper


1. Arrange mixed salad greens on a dinner plate.
2. Chop all vegetables and place them on top of the greens.
3. Place the salmon on top of all the vegetables, whole or flaked, according to your preference.
4. Mix the salad dressing ingredients in a jar, shaking until well blended. Pour over the salad. Serve.

Yield: 1 salad. Serving: for one person.

"Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Salad with Turkey Piccata

"Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Turkey Piccata Salad with State of Slim leftovers served on a Livliga plate (photo by LivligaHome)
The ingredients and the directions are the same as above: chop ½ the leftover vegetables and place them on a bed of mixed greens. Add 4 -6 ounces of the leftover meat, Turkey piccata, sliced. Prepare a serving of the salad dressing and pour it over the salad. Serve.

Yield: 1 salad. Serving: for one person.

The salads are tasty, visually appealing and have the added benefit of clearing out your refrigerator. There is nothing more statisfying than that!

Enjoy! And Live Vibrant!

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