Summer Reading List--Good For The Mind & Spirit

Friday, July 29, 2011
 Here we are getting a signed copy of Portrait of a Spy from Daniel Silva

Despite the fear and trepidation of the "Summer Reading List" we all had to survive when we were in school, I love to read, especially in the summer. I usually have at least 4 or 5 books that I am in the process of reading at any one time. Why you ask? Because it depends on my mood. Sometimes I just need something that is mindless. Sometimes I want to learn about the life of someone famous or historical. I am always a sucker for a mystery novel...then there are the self-help books...who doesn't need a few of those by their bedside on a constant basis? Particularly in the summer I relish all the good reads that are available. Somehow I even make more time to read. I love the summer for the weather, the picnics & hikes, the fresh produce at the farmer's market and also for the time to read. This is clearly good for my health. How could it be otherwise? It challenges my curious mind and satisfies one of my passions.

My current good reads are:

Portrait of a Spy
by Daniel Silva
A great summer thriller, of a series, by my favorite author

The New Girl
by Daniel Silva
This is his brand new book out as of July 16, 2019
Can't wait to read it!

Lulu in Marrakech
by Diane Johnson
Interesting Female protagonist caught up in the world of espionage

31 Bond Street
by Ellen Horan
Historic mystery based on a gruesome crime which occurred in NYC in 1857

The Last Dickens
by Matthew Pearl
Fun novel about  what might have happened to the last manuscript of Charles Dickens

Predictably Irrational
by Dan Ariely
Thought-provoking book that explores why we do what we do, even if it is irrational

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