The Benefits of Presenting to Groups
Presenting at the USDA/MyPlate Symposium |
Livliga has a story to tell and so much information to share. There is a lot of science behind what we have created. In fact, we have 3 patents protecting the science and psychology we have built into all our tableware. You don’t need to know all the background of our product to use it but learning about how it works and how best to use it does help people understand its benefits and relevance to their own personal needs. That is why we like to present our story, product and usefulness to a variety of groups that invite us to speak. Honestly, it is the best possible way to get information out about our brand.
Eating healthfully is not something most of us are brought up to understand. We are not taught about serving sizes, portion control, or the difference between a portion and a serving in school. The only reference we have is the super sized world we live in with the oversized plates we use, the huge quantity of foods we are served at restaurants and the ads we are subjected to promoting the value of super-sized meals. There is so much to learn that we just don’t know.
Presentations take some work to organize and make interesting to those you are presenting to. Each group may have a slightly different interest or need for information. One size does not fit all. To make it interesting it needs to be personalized.
Recently I was asked to present to a bariatric support group from a health system in Tampa, Florida. The title of the presentation was The Healthy Lifestyle Journey: Making Friends with Portions. During the presentation we covered:
• What we never learned in school: portions versus serving sizes
• How to live in a right-sized world
• The tools to make it easier to live a healthy lifestyle
All of the discussion was geared towards those who have chosen to undergo bariatric surgery and now live a bariatric lifestyle. It is different from standard measurements and servings. What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat is profoundly different. In fact, Livliga created a line of bariatric tableware specifically for the needs of a bariatric patient. The measurements we talked about and the demonstration of product was very specific to this group.
Over the years I have presented to so many different groups from children in classrooms to young adults in weight management clinics to groups where everyone is living with diabetes and/or a bariatric lifestyle or to those just wanting to live life as their healthiest selves. It is such a privilege to share what I have learned and the ways Livliga can support individuals with their specific needs and goals.
Reading Sammie & Sax in the Land of Quinoa to a Group of Students at a School in Kansas City
What has been particularly interesting over the past year is learning to present online. Most often the presentations have been on Zoom. Who could have imagined the shift we have made to online business, presenting, and just having regular interactive conversations through video conferencing?! There are some tricks to it. The biggest issues are: making sure you have a good internet connection, that you have good light for presenting, and that your computer is raised up for the best viewing angle. Keeping the dogs and kids out of the room also helps! Video conferencing has helped us reach a larger group of people from all over the world.
There is nothing more powerful than being able to tell your story and demonstrate your product as a start up. That is why there is always so much emphasis on developing your “elevator speech.” You always need to be ready to tell your story. I have found that people love to hear the story behind how a product was developed or how we started our company. Through telling our story and sharing the powerful information we have synthesized through our product we have made some wonderful connections and true friends. The opportunities we have been given have all come through connections. What better way to make those connections than through presentations?