Walking the Dogs, Part of a Healthy Lifestyle

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where we used to live I never needed to walk the dogs. We had a back yard. Now we live in a condo and there is no backyard. So no matter the weather we need to take the dogs out regularly during the day. Usually it is just for quick jaunts along the walking path beside our condo so they can relieve themselves.

We have two English Springer Spaniels--Winnie and Lillie. They love to be outside and can manage to romp and play and sniff and ferret out any moving creature no matter where they are nor for how brief a period of time. They are high energy, joyful dogs. They need walking.

A little over a year ago when I decided to leave my commuter job and work from home, I started to take midday walks with the dogs. A real walk for at least 30 minutes. I found it was great for me and great for the dogs. I got to clear my head, enjoy a midday break and problem solve while enjoying the beauty around me. The dogs got to burn off some energy and enjoy being outside more than a couple of minutes.

Now when it gets to be around two o'clock in the afternoon, Winnie and Lillie are all too eager to remind me it is time for our walk! They are great alarm clocks. They thrive on routine. So do I.

I have found there are so many benefits to walking the dogs:
   It gets me moving and up from sitting at my desk hour after hour
   It helps me clear my head so I can get some fresh thinking about what I am working on
   It is a way for me to fit in some exercise in the middle of the day...every bit helps!
   It keeps my dogs happy and calmer which makes me happier and calmer!
   It is part of an overall exercise routine
   It reinforces a positive Lifestyle
   And, of course, it is fun!

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