Fresh Catch--Trout Dinner

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Grilled Rainbow Trout Dinner
There seems to be a lot more fishing in the summer time. Where we live the favorite is Rainbow Trout. It is not something you ordinarily get at your grocery store or can even be served in a restaurant so it is fun to catch it and serve it when company comes. It is a white-fleshed fish with a mild flavor. Our favorite way to cook it is to grill it. My husband stuffs the cavity, after spraying it with a little olive oil, with lemon, sliced onion and some Herbes de Provence. There is no fancy preparation and no additional calories added since the stuffing is for flavor and not for eating. Once the fish is prepped my husband grills it for    about 5 - 7 minutes on each side. It is that easy! You feel very accomplished when you not only catch but also cook and eat your own fish. The only trick is learning to filet a fish which becomes easy with a little practice. A nice way to add a little fun to your summer eating. And local grown, locally caught fish is as eco-friendly and healthy as you can get.

Happy Healthy-Eating!

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