Healthy Heart Quizzes for Heart Month

Monday, February 13, 2012

I got my cholesterol letter from the American Heart Association this morning. It offered a number of Healthy Heart Quizzes to try out and learn from. There are 9 quizzes in all. A great way to engage yourself in Heart Month. I took the Cholesterol Quiz. It was a great reminder of what I need to know, what I need to be concerned about and what steps I can take to live a healthier lifestyle. The next one I want to take is on Cholestrol. There is even one on dining out. A great tool. It includes the ability to printout information sheets, recipes and other items. There are also online trackers and a High Blood Pressure Health Risk Calculator.

Nourish Your Heart
I have found that I can't make changes unless I get informed and then get engaged in making changes by spending dedicated time at implementing the changes I need. I need tools, trackers and a means to plan. RTbis is honestly why I created Livliga. It is finding complementary tools and support systems to help me live a healthier life. Without being mindful, making change is impossible for me. There are many resources out there to help us. Accessing them and spending time on me first thing in the morning feels good....and helpful!

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